A Message from our Pastor:
Has anyone told you they love you today? Our Savior loved you so much He gave His life for you. And here at New Hope we love you too. We are a Southern Baptist Church, but we are simply “Christians”. I pray that you feel welcome the moment you walk in the doors at New Hope Baptist Church. We are a body of believers that understand what Our Savior Jesus Christ did for us. By His blood we are redeemed from sin. By His stripes we are healed from sin. When He said “It is finished”, it was the last time blood would ever be shed for the penalty of sin. “For He made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him”.
Friend, I cannot wrap my mind around all of that, but I don’t have to. I just come by faith that HE is. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”. My desire at New Hope is that we would see everyone we have ever come in contact with, to live in eternity together forever.
If you are hurting, Christ is the answer. If you are desolate, Christ is waiting. If your home is in turmoil, Christ can change it. If you are at the end of your rope, Christ is and always has been the answer. If you think you’ve got it all together, HE is still the answer. The Bible says “If God be for us, who can be against us?”. New Hope is a praying Church, a loving congregation, and a body of Christ trying to nurture the sheep until God calls us home. Feel free to visit, feel free to Worship in Truth, feel free to ask for prayer.
Preacher Marty